Mission Statement

EDIT: I wrote this while I was pretty pissed off about something. You may consider it hyperbole. 

From time to time, I’ve been asked what would “satisfy” me as a feminist concerned with media representation. I’ve thought about it for a long time.

So how about this: I want total, unfettered cultural domination by women at the expense of men in all forms of media. I want the lives and stories of women to be the preeminent concern of all popular culture in all venues, with only lip service paid to the existence and agency of men. I want this to continue in the face of mountains of incisive, cogent analysis why this is unfair. I want this state of affairs to continue for at least three generations.

And that, maybe, will go an appreciable distance towards healing the cultural and psychic damage patriarchy has done to women over the centuries. Maybe.

Until I get this, I guess I’ll just have to keep agitating and never be satisfied. If this is unreasonable, understand that those who fight for the status quo want the same damn thing, but worse and in the other direction. You don’t win at things like this by being reasonable.