Big News!

I’ve got an agent! I am now represented by Saritza Hernandez of the Corvisiero Agency! I completely forgot to put up a post about it here because I’ve been so inundated with a sudden flurry of activity about Dreadnought now that I’ve got an agent. (Did you know there’s a lot of work that happens immediately after signing with an agent? There is. There is SO much, but it’s more exciting than drudgery because holy crap things are finally happening!)

One of the major things that’s underway is planning for a new website which will be at There’s nothing there now, but in a few weeks this blog and all its content will mosey on over to that URL.

I’ve also been completely snowed in by a HUGE PILE of research as I get ready to work on my next project. I’m not quite ready to announce what it is, but I think you’ll all be quite excited when I am. My agent sure is. (Guys! I’ve got an agent!)

Anyhow! Excited!