How To Make A Radically Subversive Feminist Tract

Apparently, all you need to do is film an extended chase scene where you treat women as people.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m tickled pink at the prospect of an action movie where women are allowed to  be humans who act, not prizes to be won or unattainable war goddesses, but really? This is where we’re at?

You make a flick where Charlize Theron can say of her role:

“We had a filmmaker that understood the truth of women is powerful enough and we don’t want to be put on pedestals or made to be unnaturally strong.”

And people are like slow down there, Judith Butler!

You make a flick where the director can say

the thing that people were chasing was to be not an object, but the five wives. I needed a warrior. But it couldn’t be a man taking five wives from another man. That’s an entirely different story. So everything grew out of that.

And all of the sudden it’s hold your horses Simone de Beauvoir!

The world cannot handle this much feminism! You’re going too far! Too fast!

Next you’ll be talking about socially constructed gender roles!