Fuck Professor Snape

Professor Snape was an abusive creeper who made life hell on an innocent child because he couldn’t get over the fact that the kid’s mother had decided she wanted to be with a man who showed he could exhibit personal growth–a trait Snape never got a handle on. Out of anger at being jilted, he joined a racist terrorist organization and participated in ghastly crimes against innocent, defenseless people.

Professor Snape is the kind of guy who gets turned down by a nice Jewish girl so he joins the Aryan Nations. Then he has second thoughts and starts wearing a wire for the Feds, but that doesn’t change the fact that HE JOINED THE WIZARDING WORLD’S VERSION OF THE ARYAN NATIONS.

Fuck Professor “I’m still mad at people from high school even twenty years later so I’m gonna take it out on someone who wasn’t even born then and whose parents were murdered by my good buddies” Snape. I spit on his corpse.